Galatians 6:9 (NKJV) “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Already in this new year, the Lord has sent us a young missionary couple, and they are a blessing to this ministry. Their names are Daniel and Brandi McIntyre, and they have two children, Levi and Mary Kathleen. As of right now, their plans are to stay here for one year and help with construction, communication, and evangelism. They are supported by several churches and individuals in the North Alabama area. Someone from that area has actually just donated funds to help them buy a 2002 Ford Ranger diesel for the ministry, and we are all excited and thankful for the truck the Lord has provided. Jorge, Pili, and I have been helping them get settled into their new home and have been showing them the ropes in this ministry. Daniel has had his first experience of sickness already, though. He and Jorge were working at the village, and they sat down to eat lunch. Jorge told Daniel he should wash his hands before he eats, but Daniel said it would be alright. Well, that night he started getting sick, and was in bed for two days. We are very thankful that he is better now, and I hope he has learned that he must always wash his hands before he eats anything in Guatemala. We pray and hope that the family continues adapting here to the culture and the customs of our beautiful country, and we know the Lord is going to do great things through this couple.
2Chronicles 15:2 (NIV) “The Lord is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.”
Classes started this year on January 12th, and we have 143 students enrolled. There is also a new fifth grade teacher, and we have opened the new classrooms for the students. We now have six teachers, preschool through fifth grade, and we are excited for all of the students involved. Praise the Lord that all of the students have all of the supplies they will need for this school year. “Outreach for Christ” donated 1500 notebooks, and the rest of the supplies were brought by the groups that came last year, so this is a tremendous blessing. We also give thanks to God because He has provided the means to feed all of the children a healthy meal five times a week. Praise His name.
1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV) “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
I would like to present a special prayer request for a girl that has been coming to this ministry since it began. Her name is Rubita Yadira Raymundo “Ruby”, and she is 14 years old. Bubba would call her “Ruby Tuesday”. She needs our specific prayer because she had a seizure in school this week, and there is a lot of concern in her family because her brother has epilepsy. Also, just four weeks ago, her sister, which was only 17 years old, died in an accident. So we ask that you will pray for strength and wisdom for this family and that we will know what we need to do to help them.
We also ask for your prayers that we will complete all of the projects we have planned for the upcoming year. We have several planned, but our hope is to assign a project to each construction group that comes to Chiquimula to help. A list of the projects is as follows:
1. Finish the bathrooms in the top school building. We need four toilets, four doors, and four faucets.
2. Construct the bathrooms in the bottom school building
3. Finish the containing walls
4. Construct the septic tank for both top and bottom bathrooms
5. Construct steps in four different places
6. Install gutters on the entire school and feeding center
If you are interested in either bringing a group to complete one of these projects or if you are interested in financing a project, please contact the Global Missions of Mercy board at or 256-370-7684.
Our first group for this year came at the beginning of January, and it was a wonderful group of six ladies from Highland Park Baptist Church. They evangelized to the women in the area, and they brought gifts for the elderly ladies in the church of Casa de Alfarero. They also brought Christmas stockings for all of the kids at Lela Obraje. These stockings were collected and filled by the students at Covenant Christian School in Tuscumbia, Alabama, and the kids in the village were so excited to receive them. These ladies also gave a large offering that allowed us to buy the water pipelines we needed at the ministry. The men in the village, Jorge, and Daniel have been working on this project since the ladies left, and it has been such a blessing to be able to replace these pipelines because they were ruined during the winter last year. Praise the Lord for our first group this year; they were an incredible help to the ministry.
We also have several groups lined up for the next few months. The groups we have scheduled for this next year are as follows:
- Febuary 25th - March 5th: Frank Whitaker is bringing a Medical Team from Alabama
- March 14th - 28th: Doctor George Rooney is bringing a group of eye doctors are coming from Kentuky
- March 14th - 28th: A construction group from Missionary Adventures in Indiana is coming
- April 14th - 24th: Bryan McIntyre is bringing a construction group from North Alabama
If you would like to bring a construction or medical team, please contact GMM at 256-370-7684 or Sarita Carson at Thank you.
Isaiah 57:14-15 (NIV) “And it will be said: ‘Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.’ For this is what the high and lofty One says he who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”’
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